Trainings and Seminars under Centre for Constitutional Rights India
Trainings and Seminars under Center for Constitutional Rights India
The Centre for Constitutional Rights India is the only institution in India with an exclusive focus on providing education on human rights law and activism. With it’s base in Delhi, CCRI runs courses throughout India in remote rural areas where access to high quality legal and human rights education is hard to find, as well as in the metro cities.
CCRI gives participants access to a wide range of human rights organizations in India and across the world through guest lecturers and invited speakers. Our teachers and trainers are human rights activists, academics, lawyers, and judges from India and abroad, who combine research with ongoing advocacy in order to keep the courses up to date with new developments in the field. We bring theory, practice, and law together into an integrated and multidisciplinary programme.
CCRI specialises in public interest law, social activism and access to justice. We offer a radical and comprehensive curriculum from the perspective of defending poor and marginalized people. Our courses are designed and built around the specific issues and concerns of the time and place in which they are delivered. This is done to enable us to respond immediately to critical situations by providing training to local lawyers and activists on how to use the law to combat injustice.
List of scheduled events and meetings
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