Fact Finding on Right to Food

Considering the marginalisation Transgender Persons have faced from society and the abject poverty the Transgender Community is in it has become evident that the Transgender Community is part of the vulnerable population. It was only in 2014 after the NALSA judgement that there was a formal recognition of Transgender Persons within the law ad legal systems. Through various informal conversations it had become evident that a number of transgender persons didn't have access to Ration Cards.

SLIC through its network decided to conduct a fact finding in 5 districts of Telangana to collect information and data on transgender persons who didn't have access to ration cards, therefore their right to food was severly under question. There were a number of other issues that were observed such as when transgender persons applied for ration cards, though in most cases they didn't get the ration cards, if indeed they did get the ration cards they were misgendered in the ration cards.

Khammam Report

Right to food Fact Finding - Adilabad

Right to food Fact Finding - Hyderabad

Right to food Fact Finding - Karimnagar

Right to Food Fact Finding - Rangareddy

Right to food Fact Finding - WARANGAL 01

