Joynagar District Meeeting

The meeting was fixed for deprived people/villagers who didn’t get the compensation declared
by the State Government for Amphan affected and also about the knowledge of Human Right
and other basic laws were also discussed in the meeting for the awareness of the people who are
unable to get this basic information. That when the government declared the relief packages for
the victims but the villagers unable to do so, due some political biasness or being lack of
knowledge of proper information. Hence mainly the deprived people were badly affected by not
getting the reliefs which required to them. It is also discussed in the meeting about our
organization how it was founded by Dr. Colin Gonsalves and our moto is to serve people and
provide Legal Aid. Our Organization use to conduct meeting in various Districts of West Bengal
to for legal awareness, and to make people confidence so they can be able to tackle the situation
as per basic law knowledge when it requires.

Human Rights are those minimal rights which every individual must have against the State or
other public authority by virtue of his being a 'member of the human family', irrespective of any
other consideration. The Constitution of independent India came into force on 26th January. The
impact of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on drafting part III of the Constitution is
apparent. India has acceded to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as to the
subsequent International Covenants of Economic, Social and Cultural rights and Civil & Political
Rights adopted by the Central Assembly of the United Nations. Fundamental Rights enshrined in
Part III of the Constitution have emerged from the doctrine of natural rights. Fundamental Rights
are the modern name for what have been traditionally known as Natural Rights. The Natural
Rights transformed into fundamental rights operate as a constitutional limitation or a restriction
on the powers of the organs set up by the Constitution or the State action. Judicial Review,
Justiciability or Enforcement became an inseparable concomitant of fundamental rights. As no
right of freedom can be absolute, limitations have been imposed to each fundamental right in the
interest of securing social justice. Enforcement of fundamental rights can even be suspended or
prevented in emergency. Directive Principles enshrined in Part IV of the Constitution epitomize
the ideals, aspirations the sentiments, the precepts and the goals of our entire freedom movement.
The wisdom of the forefathers of the Constitution was justified in incorporating non-justiciable
human rights in the concrete shape of the directive principles.
