Labour Rights & Law

In the wake of Covid 19, a group of researchers and lawyers from SLIC began the process of organising a series of webinars, to begin the collective conversation around emergent issues. In series of such webinars organized by different units of SLIC all across the country, Gujarat Unit organized one more webinar on one of the most important issue during the Covid-19 lockdown that is concerning Labour rights and situation of migrant workers.

During the lockdown period, several news reports, articles and studied have shown that most vulnerable as well as worst hit community is labourers and workers working in various kinds of industries. Thus, webinar organized on 22nd June, 2020 by the SLIC Gujarat had key note speakers from the state as well from outside of the state. Speakers in the webinar are Lawyers, Social Activist, Local leaders and representative form the civic bodies in order to share expert knowledge on the conditions of Labourers, law and role of judiciary to ensure justice to the most vulnerable population of the country.
