Regional training for DPO’s and lawyers on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016
Organised by CCRI in collaboration with RPS Law College, Patna
Day 1:
Time |
Session |
Resource persons |
8.30 to 9 |
Film and Registration of participants |
9 .00 to 9.30 |
Scope of the training |
Adv Vikash Pankaj, SLIC, Patna |
9.30 to 9.45 |
Key note address to participants |
Mr. Kaushal Kumar Principal RPS law college Patna
9.45 to 10.30 |
Provisions of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 |
Rajive Raturi, SLIC Delhi |
10.30 – 11:30 |
Legal capacity and reasonable accommodation |
Adv Amba Salelkar Board member Centre for Social Justice Chennai |
11.30 to 12.30 |
Disability and education Inclusive education Higher education |
· Adv Roma Bhagat, Delhi High Court · Prof Anil Aneja Chairman Advocacy Cell AICB Delhi |
12.30 to 1 pm |
Open house |
1.00 to 2.00 |
Lunch break |
2.00 to 3.00 |
Employment and Disability |
· Adv Rajan Mani Advocates for Public Justice Foundation (APJF) Delhi · Adv Rajni Soren, SLIC Chattisgaarh
3.00 to 3.30 |
Discussion |
3.30 to 4.15 |
How to do a PIL |
Adv Kishore Narayan SLIC Chattisgarh |
4.15 to 4.45 |
Discussion |
4.45 to 5.30 |
Grievance redressal and Using the RPD Act 2016 Sharing SLIC litigations |
· Rajni Soren SLIC Chattisgarh · Rajive Raturi SLIC Delhi |
Day 2:
9.00 to 11.00 |
DPOs sharing information on advocacy and litigations |
6 DPO’s from Odissa, Bengal, Bihar, MP, Jharkhand and Chattisgarh |
11.00 to1.00 |
Mock case exercise where DPOs are given a case and argue as if in court |
Coordinated by Adv Rajan Mani and Adv Roma Bhagat |
1.00 to 2.00 |
Lunch break |
2.00 to 3.00 |
Access : Access audits Rajive Raturi’ vs UOI DRG vs UOI Jeeja Ghosh vs UOI
· Adv Rajan Mani (APJF)
· Adv Subhash Vashishth Director, CABE Delhi |
3.00 to 3.30 |
Discussion |
3:30 – 4.15 |
Civil and Political rights in the context of Independent living and living in the community ,Electoral rights, Access to Justice |
· Rajni Soren · Rajive Raturi |
4.15 to 4.45 |
Discussion |
4.45 to 5.45 |
Women and Disability Institutionalisation Domestic and sexual Violence |
· Ms Shampa Sengupta Director Shruti Disability Centre Kolkata · Ms Vaishnavi Kumari Bihar Viklang Manch |
5 .45 to 6.15 |
Discussion |
6.15 to 7 |
Open House and Discussion |
7 pm onwards |
Dinner |
Venue — State Institute of Health and Family Welfare, Patna