Webinar on District Meeting on Women Rights
Webinar on District Meeting on Women Rights. The stage was
occupied by Sonal Tiwari, SLIC Ranchi, Rashmi Lal, SLIC,Mrinalini Adela Tete,
SLIC, Ranchi,Salvi ji PRADAN, women paralegal volunteers of PRADAN and several
other organisations, and some local people of Chakai, Bihar.
The session started with a brief introduction
by Rashmi Lal, Advocate SLIC,
Ranchi. She spoke of the work done by SLIC and its network across the country,
the objectives and functioning of SLIC as a pro-bono legal support
organization. The objective of the introduction was also for the participants
to understand and get a grasp of the current scenario and how SLIC, can help
them with their various issues, concerning even the basic human rights
violation cases. Works done by the Advocates of SLIC was explained to all the
participants, and contacts of the district network was also shared with the
participants, so that they can avail the benefits of the pro bono legal support
anywhere in the State without worrying of the expenses-being
cheated-delays-corrupted officials. The availability of Advocates and Activists
at every level, from the Gram Panchayats to the Supreme Court.
Thereafter we had a brief introduction of the
participants, who were asked about their understanding on the human rights,
which lead to the explanation of Article 21 of the Constitution and a
discussion followed the same. They were at awe learning that even their
existence is covered under this Article, the very air that they breathe, the
water they drink, the food they consume. And more surprising was the fact that
the respective States are liable for the same under the Directive Principles of
the State.