Mistreatment and Coercion: Unethical Sterilization in India
Edited By Madhulika Masih, Sarita Barpanda and Zahra Wynne
sterilization in India is still problematic. Ground level health workers
are heavily incentivized to encourage women to undergo the procedure, rather
than promoting condom or oral contraceptive pill usage. Sterilization remains a
procedure that is performed at a disproportionately high rate when compared
with other nations. This book will look at sterilization through a rights-based lens, to
shed light on how sterilization has been used for years as a weapon to impede
reproductive autonomy and champion coercive population control tactics, at
the expense of women's bodies. The book also highlights the struggle through
the use of law to change the way family planning programmes especially
female sterilization was being implemented